Your smile is far more than a fleeting asset; it is crucial to your overall health and wellbeing. Beyond just enabling a confident grin, having healthy teeth and gums plays a pivotal role in promoting better overall health. Among individuals aged 60 years or older, there is a worldwide prevalence of 23% who retain all their natural teeth.[1] But losing teeth is not an inevitable outcome of the ageing process.[2] There is a lot more preventative care we can do to ensure we keep our natural teeth well into our golden years. Nations like Sweden, Denmark, and Switzerland boast the highest proportions of older adult who retain their natural teeth.[3] In this blog, we will explore dental health, prevent common dental issues, talk about diet and odontoblasts, how to build a healthy oral biome, protect teeth from trauma and provide tips to reduce dentist- and tooth-loss anxiety.


Your main summary points:

Healthy teeth and gums contribute to better overall health, going beyond aesthetics.  

Retaining natural teeth as we age is possible through preventative care.

Vitamins A, D, and K play crucial roles in promoting bone development, calcium absorption, cellular growth, and differentiation. High-quality sources like Rosita Real Foods' cod liver oil contribute to these vitamins' intake.

Dr Hisham's prebiotic formulation supports a thriving oral microbiome by harmonising saliva flow enhancement and natural ingredients, encouraging beneficial bacteria and suppressing harmful ones.

Protecting teeth during physical activities is essential. Custom-fit mouthguards and dental trays help prevent dental injuries and teeth-grinding damage.

Dental fear and tooth-loss anxiety can be managed with strategies such as selecting an empathetic dentist, open communication, gradual exposure to dental environments, relaxation techniques, and discussing sedation options.


Understanding Dental Health

Your teeth play a pivotal role in enabling you to chew, speak with clarity, and support the natural structure of your face. Maintaining proper nutrition, healthy weight, and clear articulation of words in their absence can become more challenging.[4] Achieving and maintaining optimal dental health hinges on practising good oral hygiene. Enhance your oral care with our dentist-developed Holistic Oral Health Care System, designed to support the wellbeing of your teeth and gums and contribute to your overall health. So, throw out your abrasive, antibacterial toothpaste and take note.

What makes Dr Hisham's Vital Teeth Serum a cut above the rest? Their innovative formula boasts the world's first professional prebiotic blend. Crafted from organic coconut oil, organic cocoa butter enriched with theobromine, along with New Zealand Manuka and Tea Tree oils, and fortified with vital bio-active plant fibres like Finnish birch xylitol and New Zealand Totarol, this serum is further enriched with essential Bio-minerals and vegan vitamins K2 and D3. Incorporate Dr Hisham's Mouth Rinse, complemented by the regular use of Dr Hisham Teeth Serums, during brushing for gentle yet comprehensive care.  


Preventing Common Dental Issues

Dental problems, including cavities, gum disease, and enamel erosion, can be proactively averted strategically. Gaining a comprehensive understanding of the underlying causes of these issues empowers us to devise effective countermeasures. Remarkably, extensive research has unveiled a notable connection between oral health and the overall wellbeing of the body's systems, thereby reinforcing the profound significance of upholding optimal oral hygiene practices.  

In preserving your natural teeth, it becomes imperative to consciously steer clear of detrimental habits. Specifically, avoiding behaviours such as teeth grinding or using your teeth as makeshift tools becomes pivotal. Engaging in such practices can exact considerable damage, potentially resulting in the unfortunate loss of teeth. By cultivating a heightened awareness of these habits and their potential consequences, you actively bolster your arsenal for maintaining enduring dental health.


Diet and your odontoblasts

Your diet and lifestyle exert a substantial influence on your dental wellbeing. A well-balanced diet that minimises sugary foods contributes to the promotion of healthy teeth. Odontoblasts are specialised cells found in the dentin of teeth, responsible for producing the dentin matrix. We can support tooth development and repair by feeding the odontoblasts with the preferred nutrients of vitamins A, D and K.[5][6][7]

Vitamin A: The retinol form, derived from animals, plays a vital role in promoting bone development by facilitating cell turnover. When combined with vitamin D, it further triggers the activation of genes that contribute to growth and development throughout the body.*
Vitamin D: D3 derived from animal sources plays a crucial role in facilitating calcium absorption, which is the skeletal system's foundational component. Additionally, it triggers the activation of numerous genes that wield influence over various aspects of the body, extending even to cellular growth and differentiation.*
Vitamin K2: Derived from animals, Vitamin K2 MK-4 serves as the bone development support factor that collaborates with vitamins A and D. It activates specific proteins responsible for guiding calcium to its appropriate destinations within the body.*[8]

Rosita Real Foods is a high-quality source of fresh, wild-caught, unprocessed cod liver oil across the globe. Sourced directly from the untainted waters of Norway, their cod liver oil harbours naturally existing vitamins A and D, accompanied by a comprehensive array of omega fatty acids. This spectrum includes essential Omega 3 EPA and DHA.

You may find vitamin K2 in fermented products like natto (a Japanese fermented soybean dish), certain cheeses like gouda and brie, grass-fed meat, liver, egg yolks, and particular dairy products from grass-fed animals.


Building a Healthy Oral Biome

On average, a person in good health harbours almost an equivalent number of bacteria on their teeth's surface as the total human population on Earth.[9] Additionally, we inadvertently ingest around 80 billion bacteria through our saliva.[10] The oral cavity presents a favourable habitat for both beneficial and harmful bacteria to flourish. Yet, how can we foster a well-balanced oral biome that promotes health?  

Dr Hisham's revolutionary prebiotic formulation is designed to cultivate a balanced and thriving oral microbiome. Detrimental bacteria are subdued, and beneficial bio-flora flourish, creating a harmonious alkaline oral environment. By harmonising the principles of saliva flow enhancement and carefully selected natural ingredients, Dr Hisham's formulations create an optimal environment for oral health.  

Protecting Your Smile: Sports and Dental Care

If you're an active sports enthusiast, protecting your teeth is vital. Mouthguards are essential for safeguarding your teeth during sports activities, preventing dental injuries that could lead to tooth loss. Custom-fit mouthguards offer superior protection, providing peace of mind during physical activities. Dental trays can be a game-changer for those who struggle with teeth grinding, preventing further damage to your teeth during sleep.

Addressing Tooth-Loss Anxiety

Dental fear and tooth-loss anxiety can be real barriers to maintaining good oral health. Acknowledging these feelings and understanding their impact on your well-being is essential. Prevention proves superior to corrective treatments. With your dentist's assistance in maintaining oral health, the prospect of relishing your natural teeth well into your golden years becomes a tangible reality. Overcoming dental fear is achievable with a combination of practical strategies.  

Here are our top tips:

Select a dentist known for their gentle and empathetic approach. 
Establishing open communication with your dentist about your fears can make a significant difference.
Gradual exposure to the dental environment, starting with shorter, less invasive visits, can help build familiarity and ease anxiety.
Incorporating relaxation techniques, like deep breathing or meditation, before and during your appointment can create a more calming atmosphere.
Additionally, discussing sedation options, such as nitrous oxide or oral sedatives, with your dentist can provide a sense of control and relaxation during the procedure.

By employing these methods, you can gradually diminish your dental fear and pave the way for a more positive oral health experience.

Natural teeth have the potential to endure a lifetime, provided they receive proper care and attention. We hope this guide has emphasised the importance of maintaining good dental health and offered valuable insights and tips to achieve that goal. You can enjoy a beautiful and healthy smile by incorporating regular maintenance, a healthy diet, and professional guidance. So, take charge of your dental health today, and keep your natural teeth shining bright for years!





* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.